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We Don't Deserve This

You probably agree with the title.

But maybe for completely different reasons than I mean.  Before Trista and I posted anything to Facebook or created a GoFundMe account, we both considered what we were doing very carefully.  It may not seem like it, but that was not an easy thing for us to do. 

Anyone who knows me, knows I am pretty much an open book; if you look up the word "transparency" in the dictionary there would be a picture of me next to it.  Trista on the other hand, is not a sharer, not by a longshot. She likes to quietly contemplate, and rarely opens up, except to a select few, and even that can be a struggle. But in this area of my life I mirrored Trista. I was a complete failure at getting my wife pregnant and becoming a father.  It's not that I can't talk about my failures, but this wasn't like other struggles in my life.  Other times, there were things I could do to improve the skill or learn more about it.  I was stuck, literally going through the motions hoping for better results...clearly this did not work.  I didn't want to shout to the world and share my problems and shortcomings, especially in such an intimate area of my life.   A very small group of people had been let into the depth of the struggle we were going through.

Needless to say, sharing our struggles to anyone (let alone on social media) was a daunting and overwhelming task, but one that has blessed us more than we would have imagined.  We have received tremendous support.  Not only have we come closer financially to our goal and continue to, but sharing our story has been therapeutic to the both of us (unfortunately this hasn't made easier to do so).  Trista has had multiple people stop and pray for and with her about this journey and the struggles we have endured; we have been in contact with others of you who have been through similar struggles, and who hopefully now know (if you didn't already), you are not alone in this.

Nothing sets us apart form the next couple wanting to adopt.  We are two ordinary Christians.  We are not rich. We do not have great genius IQs.   We do not stand out in any meaningful way.  So then comes the question...Why Us? What makes us any more special to deserve help?
Absolutely nothing.
We are ordinary people, but that's what makes us even more excited about this.  We can't do this on or own.  When the worker from Bethany Christian Services, gave us the $24,000 price tag, it would have been easier to pick our jaws up from the ground and give up.  We didn't want easy, we wanted to walk in faith, no matter how scary. At the time it was difficult to see how God was moving in the midst of the seemingly insurmountable obstacles.  Looking back, the obstacles were God accentuating the fact that we needed His help.  Being ordinary is stressful.  Being ordinary is scary. Being ordinary is humbling.  Being ordinary is a blessing.  Being ordinary requires the help of the extraordinary.
Our prayer as you read this, is you (and we) remember in moments of doubt and fear and confusion, that we have a good God who is there for us;  We are hopeful that you never avoid walking in faith because you only see the ordinary. We pray as you see posts from us you feel led to support us through any means you are able, not because we deserve it more than anyone else; our story is the most heartbreaking, or the most interesting.   We are asking for your support because we are ordinary and we believe God uses the ordinary to do the extraordinary; we believe He is using you to help achieve the extraordinary. 

Thank you for taking the time out of your hectic live to share in our experience!!
Feel free to share this blog and possibly help another person!
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  1. Great post, cousin. I relate to Trista more, which is why I feel so blessed that you guys (especially Trista) would step out in faith and courage to share your story in order that myself, and so many others, can share/support this journey! You inspire me to be more courageous with an area in my life that I have trouble utilizing for ministry/being open about. Looking forward to seeing God bless you and Trista through this adventure!

    1. Thanks for your support as always! I'm glad this is helping you and hopefully others to be abke to be more transparent nd open about who we are in Christ.


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